Zones & Battle Pet Levels

Mulgore 1
Durotar 1
Azuremyst Isle 1
Teldrassil 1
Tirisfal Glades 1
Eversong Woods 1
Dun Morogh 1
Elwyn Forest 1
Azshara 3 4 5
Darkshore 3 4 5
Bloodmyst Iusle 3 4 5
Nothern Barrens 3 4 5
Silverpine Forest 3 4 5
Ghostlands 3 4 5
Loch Modan 3 4 5
Redridge Mountains 3 4 5
Westfall 3
Ashenvale 4 5
Stonetalon Mountains 5 6
Duskwood 5 6
Hillsbrad Foothills 6
Wetlands 6
Desolace 7 8
Northern Stranglethorn 7 8
Arathi Highlands 7
Southern Barrens 9
Cape of Stranglethorn 9
Western Plaguelands 10
Feralas 11
Hnterlands 11
Dustwallow Marsh 12
Eastern Plaguelands 12
Tanaris 13
Thousand Needles 13
Searing Gorge 13
Badlands 13
Felwood 14
Swamp of Sorrows 14
Moonglade 15
Un’goro Crater 15
Burning Steppes 15
Silithus 16
Ahn’Qiraj 16
Blasted Lands 16
Hellfire Peninsula 17
Winterspring 17
Nagrand 18
Zangarmarsh 18
Terokkar Forest 18
Blade’s Edge Mountains 19
Shadowmoon Valley 20
Netherstorm 20
Grizzly Hills 21
Sholazar 21
Borean Tundra 21
Howling Fjord 21
Deepholm 22 23
Vash-jr 22 23
Hyjal 22 23
Crystalsong Forest 22 23
Storm Peaks 22 23
Icecrown 22 23
Zul’Drak 22 23
Dragonblight 22 23
Kun-Lai Summit 23 24
Valley of the Four Winds 23 24
Krasarang Wilds 23 24
Jade Forest 23 24
Vale of Eternal Blossoms 23 24
Twilight Highlands 23 24
Uidum 23 24
Townlong Steppes 24
Dread Wastes 24